Help page

Forgot Password


  1. Go to the National Auto Auction Association’s website or
  2. On, select “Education and Training” tab towards page top. Select desired safety quick link toward page top on
  3. You will be directed to the homepage of the NAAA Safety Training Program.  
  4. Click on one of the button selections that which are applicable to your training registration status.
  5. Now you will be directed to the login screen for safety training.  You will enter the email address that you used to register for the program.
  6. If you forgot your password, click the hyperlink entitled “click here to retrieve it.”
  7. You will now be on the “Retrieve Lost Password” screen.  Enter your email into the box provided on the screen, then hit the green button that says, “Get New Password.”
  8. An email will be sent to the email attached to your account. 
  9. Once the email comes through to your email inbox, please go back to the NAAA Safety Training homepage, and follow standard login instructions.



How to Find Your Safety Training Program Certificate


  1. Go to the National Auto Auction Association’s website or
  2. On, select “Education and Training” tab towards page top. Select desired safety quick link toward page top on
  3. You will be directed to the homepage of the Safety Training Program.  
  4. Click on the “Returning Users” button.
  5. Enter the email address that you used to register for Safety Training Program, as well as the password you created.
  6. You are now at your Safety Training Program dashboard.  Under the Safety Certificate, Click the green button entitled, “PRINT CERTIFICATE.” You will be able to save and print your certificate from here.  Please note that the date on the lower right-hand corner on your certificate is the date that you should renew your safety training yearly. 



Safety Training Program Compatible Devices

Please note that the Safety Training Program only works on laptop and desktop computers.  Mobile devices and tablets will not load the training videos properly.  If possible, please use Google Chrome as the internet browser when logging into your Safety Training Program. 



Safety Training Program Registration for First Time, Full Time Auction Employee Users


  1. Go to the National Auto Auction Association’s website or
  2. On, select “Education and Training” tab towards page top. Select desired safety quick link toward page top on
  3. Once you have clicked on the button, you will be directed to the homepage of the Safety Training Program. 
  4. Click the “Auction Employee / First-Time Users” button.
  5. The button will direct you to the Safety Training Program registration page.  On this page, you will be prompted to provide your first and last name, email address, phone number, the auction you work for, your position at the auction, language preference, and password. 
  6. Once you complete your registration, you now have a Safety Training Program account.  You can return to your account by clicking the “Returning Users” button on training program homepage. 
  7. After clicking on the “Returning Users” button, you will be prompted to provide your email and password.  Enter the same email and password you used when registering for the course.  Upon completing this step, you will be directed to your videos and can begin the training.


Safety Training Program Registration for First Time, Temporary Drivers


  1. Go to the National Auto Auction Association’s website or
  2. On, select “Education and Training” tab towards page top. Select desired safety quick link toward page top on
  3. Once you have clicked on the button, you will be directed to the homepage of the Safety Training program.
  4. Once on the homepage of the training program, click the button entitled “Temporary Agency Driver First-Time Users.”
  5. The button will direct you to the program training registration page. On the registration page, you will be prompted to provide your first and last name, email address, phone number, the auction you work for, your position at the auction, language preference, and password. Please note, under the “Auction House” portion of the registration page, you will need to choose the agency in which hired you, do not select the auction where your agency placed you.



Safety Training Program Returning Users


  1. Go to the National Auto Auction Association’s website or
  2. On, select “Education and Training” tab towards page top. Select desired safety quick link toward page top on
  3. Click on the button entitled “Returning Users.”
  4. Now you will be directed to the login screen to the Safety Program Training.  You will enter the email address that you used to register for program training as well as the password you created.
  5. You will now be directed to the instructional videos and can complete your training. 



Group Leader Instructions


How to Login to Your Safety Training Program Account as a Group Leader


  1. Go to the National Auto Auction Association’s website or
  2. On, select “Education and Training” tab towards page top. Select desired safety quick link toward page top on  
  3. Click on the “Returning Users” on the page.
  4. Now you will be directed to the login screen for Safety Training Program.  You will enter the email address that you used to register for the Safety Training Program, as well as the password you created.
  5. You are now at your Training Program dashboard.  As a group leader, you have special tools on your dashboard: Safety Certification Course, Employees, Reports, Add New User, Dashboard, and My Account. 




Under the “Employees” section, there are several useful features for group leaders.  Below you will find step by step instructions for each of the components under the “Employees” tab.


How to Change an Employee’s Password


  1. From your Safety Training Program dashboard, click “Employees.”
  2. After you click on the “Employees” tab, you will be taken to the employee management page.  Type your auction’s name inside the first box listed on the page, entitled “Auction Name.” 
  3. Click the large green button entitled “Search Employees.”  
  4. After clicking the “Search Employees” button, every employee who has a registered Safety Training account under your auction will appear in a list. 
  5. Beside each of the employee’s names is a grey button entitled “Update Password.” 
  6. Click on the “Update Password” button.  Once you have clicked the button, you will be taken to a different screen.
  7. Please enter the employee’s new password and then confirm the employee’s new password when prompted.  Click the green “save” button on the bottom of this page. 
  8. The employee’s passwords are now updated.


How to Print an Employee’s Certificate


  1. From the Safety Training Program dashboard, click “Employees.”
  2. After you click on the “Employees” tab, you will be taken to the employee management page.  Type your auction’s name inside the first box listed on the page, entitled “Auction Name.” 
  3. Click the “Search Employees” button. 
  4. Every employee who has a registered a Safety Training Program account under your auction will appear in a list on your screen. 
  5. Beside each employee, there is a small grey button entitled, “Print Certs.”
  6. Click the “Print Certs” button next to the employee you wish to print their certificate.  All of the employee’s completed certificates will appear.  Click the small box next to the certification you need to print, and then click the green button entitled, “PRINT.”


How To Change an Employee to Active/Inactive  


  1. From the Safety Training Program dashboard, click “Employees.”
  2. After you click on the “Employees” tab, you will be taken to the employee management page.  Type your auction’s name inside the first box listed on the page, entitled “Auction Name.” 
  3. Click the large green button entitled “Search Employees.”  
  4. After clicking the “Search Employees” button, every employee who has a registered Safety Training Program account under your auction will appear in a list on your screen. 
  5. Beside each employee’s name on the list is a small box. Please click the box next to the employees you wish to activate or deactivate. 
  6. Scroll up to the top of the screen, and you will find a drop-down menu that says “With Selected: Set Status to Active,” or “Set Status to Inactive.” Once you have clicked the option you wish to perform, click the green button beside this menu entitled “APPLY.” 
  7. The employees you have selected are now either active or inactive, depending on the option you selected.


Searching For A Specific Employee


If you need to search for one specific employee, the instructions above work the same.  The one difference is when you are on the main Employee Management page, instead of just choosing your auction house, also fill in the second box entitled “Name of User.”   In the Name of User field, type in the employee you wish to find and then click the green “SEARCH EMPLOYEES” button.  The specific employee will be listed on your screen with the same options as listed above. 




  1. Once at the Safety Training Program dashboard, click the “Reports” button on your dashboard. 
  2. Click the box beside the “Certification Complete Date” and choose the timeframe that you would like to see all employees from your auction who have completed their safety training. 
  3. Once you choose your dates, click the green button that says “GENERATE REPORT.”
  4. A list of all individuals who have completed the training at your auction will appear. 
  5. Scroll down past the names, and hit the green button that says “GENERATE XLS REPORT.”
  6. Your data will now be loaded into an Excel form for you to save.


Add New User


  1. Once at the Safety Training Program dashboard, click the “Add New User” button on your dashboard. 
  2. This page gives you the option to manually enter your auction employee’s information into the Safety Training Program database.  You would use this if you are administering the hard copy Safety Training Program tests at your auction but prefer to keep a digital copy of your auction’s safety progress.